Better. Stronger. Faster.

It’s been awhile. I hate that I haven’t posted in while, but this happens a lot. Things have been pretty busy lately. We’ve been working a lot on the house, our health, and even my employment has taken a turn for the better. That’s our trifecta! All of this now takes up a lot more of my time than before, leaving less and less time for me to sit here and type up a post. But it’s Saturday night and we just finished watching American Underdog–a great football movie, and a true story. Sandy and I both really enjoyed it a lot. So I felt like posting.

Since this is my first post of 2022, I should go back a bit. I lost a total of 48 lbs. last year. That’s my personal best, and a record I intend to break, hopefully this year. I’d settle for 50 lbs., but the more the better. Gardein actually tastes pretty good, and with that and walking 3-4 miles every weekday at work, I think it’ll be a done deal. Sandy and I are also doing 16/8 Intermittent Fasting too, which is helping us both.

Sandy, by the way, is having knee replacement surgery Monday. She’s been in such pain lately, since she fell on her left knee recently and made it much worse. I feel her pain, and know exactly how it is, having gone through the same thing a few years ago. So I suggested she go to the same doctor I went to. He did an excellent job with my right knee replacement, everything went very well and turned out great, and now I can walk my ass off (literally) , I have no more knee pain, and I’m finally seeing some good improvement in my health. So now he’s going to do her left knee. Together we’re the Bionic Man and Bionic Woman, with one complete set of bionic legs between us. Queue the theme music…

More to come soon…

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